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Take Me Away: A Virtual Vacation Experience - African Safaris and Tours

Enjoy our new Take Me Away virtual vacation experience. Join us as we sit down with an African Safari expert and discuss everything you can expect during your next African Safari tour adventure.

Get a taste of the ultimate African dream vacation, where every detail of your safari tour is taken care of seamlessly by experienced local hosts! Wake up bright and early to set out and discover the wildlife while they're most active! You will enjoy a morning game drive followed by a full breakfast and some downtime. During this free time, you have the choice of wonderful activities to take advantage of, including walking safaris and rejuvenating spa treatments. After exploring all of these amenities and activities, you will get to taste more delicious African cuisine with lunch and afternoon tea. Following an amazing lunch, you will embark on the afternoon safari tour to explore the bush day and night and see the remarkable sights of the animals up close and personal! As the day winds down, you'll experience an authentic tradition, African Sundowner, during which you'll pour yourself a drink and say farewell to the sun!

Whether you want to discover the city life of Cape Town, South Africa, during its peak season in the fall, or adventure to East Africa during the summer months, the opportunities are endless. From exhilarating game drives through the grasslands to relaxing mornings with breathtaking views of Africa’s natural beauties to the comfort of your luxurious lodge, this experience is sure to offer an unforgettable vacation experience.

Contact your Travel Advisor today to start planning your next bucket-list vacation! Vacations are what bring us together. #LetsGetTraveling

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